What will the road to recovery look like for Local government post COVID-19?

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Join our On-Demand webinar where you will hear from SAP Concur and Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) when they came together to discuss their pandemic journey from the immediate adoption of technology at the start of the first lockdown, the changes needed during the pandemic to support agile working, and looking ahead to what the new normal way of working for GCC might look like.

Joining us on the day included:

  • Jennifer Taylor, Head of Transformation - Gloucestershire County Council
  • Grant Stevens, Systems and Change Officer - Gloucestershire County Council
  • David Hipwell, Local Authority Lead - SAP Concur

And the subjects covered included:

  • How GCC changed the way they work and how the working environment may look going forward
  • The role of buildings and technology for Council 2.0 and the cultural change required
  • Permanent changes required for business processes to support the new way of working and how SAP Concur forms part of this
  • How employees view the potential of home working as the "new norm"
  • SAP Concur's public sector research review paper which examines local/central governments views of how the office working environment will evolve

We hope you enjoy this interactive recording - thank you !

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