Top 5 Configuration Tips for Concur Travel Standard in 15 Minutes


Take 15 minutes to bring immediate value to your travel program – and take a few of the day-to-day chores off your to-do list.

Right now, you face a seemingly endless stream of tasks trying to stay on top of itineraries, expenses, rules, and regulations. And that doesn’t include the time it takes to manage the solutions designed to help you manage travel. Thousands of conversations with customers have helped us to identity five key tips:

  • Create more than one policy.
  • Create visual cues to guide employees.
  • Add locations to simplify searches.
  • Include negotiated rates and corporate discounts.
  • Customize trip and profile fields to strengthen reporting.
Take a moment to see how these simple tips make things easier for you and your travelers. Just fill out the form on the right to attend the session.

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